My brain grows better when you talk to me.....
Some suggestions
• Start by copying your baby's sounds and generating new ones (from 'Ma ma ma' to 'Ga ga ga'). The first talking doesn't have any words.
• Use as many rhymes, poems or songs as you can - to your baby you are the worlds greatest singer!
• Read to your baby regularly, even when they are very young. Simple rhymes and rhythms will hold their attention.
• Talk to your baby about what they are experiencing. "Can you feel the soft toy?" "Did you see the cat?" "You're enjoying your milk this morning."
• Provide a running commentary on your own life. Tell your baby about colours, count the steps you climb or the socks and towels as you do the washing.
• Keep your 'sharp' voice for when you are warning a baby about something dangerous.
• Any words will help to build your baby's brain. Pop songs, a shopping list or the writing on the cereal packet are more meaningful than Shakespeare to young children.
More information on 5 to thrive can be found at