GC Webtek
DAY Nursery
The manager and staff work in partnership with parents to meet the needs of the children, both individually and as a group. Children benefit most where there is a trusting and mutually supportive partnership. At Cherubs we welcome all parents as equal partners in all aspects of your child education and development. We aim to have a two-way flow of information knowledge and expertise.
Parents will be provided with a prospectus and welcome pack and will be informed of all changes and updates concerning the setting by a regular newsletter, updates on Class Dojo and daily verbal discussion. Signs & posters will also be displayed in the reception area for parents to view.
At Cherubs we operate an open door policy and parents are welcome to come and discuss their child’s progress with their key worker. Also, your child’s folder will be available for you to view at any time.
Parental Involvement
In the setting we recognise that the parent is the primary most important career in the child’s life. We are dedicated to working in partnership with Parents/Carers to ensure we provide the best possible wrap around care for each individual child.
To achieve this aim we: